How To Choose A Paint Brush

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 If you need help getting the right paint brush for your paint project then you have found the right video. There are a lot of options out there, so let's help you get the right brush for the right job.

How To Choose A Paint Brush

There are three decisions to make to help select the right brush. Picking the right one will help ensure the end results of your paint project are perfect.


First decision – What is the paint you are going to use?   If it’s wall paint, I suggest a synthetic brushes can do just about any paint project and work great on latex based paints. The high quality synthetic brush like this one, does have split ends here and that was done so the opened up fibers can hold more paint. Making your paint project go much faster with less times reapply paint to the brush.

If you are using an oil based paint, then you want a natural bristle brush like this one. These bristles really get into the crevices of wood, far better than synthetic. This brush is also used when applying varnishes, shellac, polyurethane and other oil base finishes. A brush seen more often on wood working projects.

Decision number two  – Choose a brush based on the size of your project. (Brushes on table)

A 1” to 2” brush like this one is great for window or small trim, like wall trim.

A 3” brush is great for doors and cabinets

A 4” brush is perfect for large and flat areas, like if you need to cut when painting in a big wall this one is perfect.

Decision number three, we’re almost there. What shaped brush should you get? When it comes to painting a room, I suggest two brushes to have on hand. The first is the angled brush. As you can see these bristles are cut in an angle making it my go to for painting trim or cutting in before I roll paint on the walls. That angle helps control the line you are painting and offers more accuracy. Next, grab a brush with a square end like this one here. After you’ve cut in on a room this brush helps with painting the wider and flat parts of your project.

Published on 2/23/2022.
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