How To Grow Indoor Plants

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Looking to start growing indoor plants, but don't know where to begin? Indoor plants can boost your mood, add personality to your space, and clean indoor air by absorbing toxins. Enjoy these tips for growing indoor plants.

How To Grow Indoor Plants

Pick A Pot

Select a pot that the plant can grow into. Indoor plants typically come in a temporary pot that is made just right for them. With your dedication to help them grow, they will outgrow their space and need a larger pot. Selecting a pot that is about 50% larger is a great way to let the roots spread out and help with the healthy and growth of the plant. If the pot you select has a hole at the bottom you have two choices. The first option is to cover the bottom of the pot with secure paint, like painter's tape. Keep in mind the tape is not 100% secure in keeping in moisture if you're worried about over watering.  Another option is to place the pot on a tray to catch any water or loose soil.

Fill With Potting Soil

good quality potting soil like Miracle-Gro Indoor Potting Mix has been blended for a wide variety of container plants. The mix has an easy-to-water formula that helps the soil re-wet while feeding for up to 6 months. Mother's Earth is another option of potting soil which is nutrient rich, carefully balanced to deliver key nutrients in plant development.

Feed It

While watering is a key element to growing indoor plants, feeding a plant is where most people lose the battle in sustaining life in their plants.  There are several options for plant food.  Pump sprays can be added directly to the soil, or mix it with water and feed once a week. Plant food spikes are a set it and forget it solution, for the most part. These spikes provide a continuous supply of important nutrients right at the roots, where plants need it most. The pre-measured, specially formulated spikes are simply inserted into the soil around your plant. Apply a fresh stick every eight weeks.

Water It

The frequency of watering the plants will vary based on the size and type of your plant. Plants like succulents don't need water as frequently as other plants like ferns. With most plants the frequency is based on how the soil feels.  If it's dry to the touch or crumbly when picked up then it's time to water. Don't base your decision on just what the top of the soil feels. If you place your finger just a bit deeper into the soil and still feel it is dry then you know that deeper down the plant is likely not getting the water it needs. The amount of water your plant needs will depend on the size of the pot.  The amount of water to use is typically about ¼ to ⅓ the pot's volume of water. Just keep in mind that whatever water the plant can't handle will come out of the bottom. You may want to place your plant on a planter plate to catch extra water.

Give It Sun

All plants need sunshine, but the amount of sun they need varies from plant to plant. When you purchase a plant, it should come with an informational card on the amount of sun needed. Use that card to decipher the best location for your plant's location. It's best to think about what's best for your plant vs. what's best for your decor.  

Always follow manufacturers instructions before using any products. For more helpful tips and advice visit a neighborhood Ace or visit us at

Published: 1/10/2020