How To Paint An Arch On A Wall

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Adding an arch to your accent wall is a fun way to add your own personal touch and art to the space. The steps to create this chic look is easy to do and even faster to create then you'd think.

How To Paint An Arch On A Wall

Annie, Ace's Paint Expert, is ready to show you how easy it is to add this clean look to your wall. Painting an arch accent wall is a very quick, easy and cheap way to instantly update a room and give it a fresh look, let me show you how.


Step 1. Draw out arch shape.

Start by figuring out the general size of the arch you want to paint on the wall and where you want it.

Cut a piece of string and tie a pencil or piece of chalk to one side. Find the middle of the arch you want and tape the other side of the string to the wall. Hold the string taut and make the arch shape. Remember that the angle that you hold the pencil will matter a great deal to the arch shape, so try to keep that consistent the whole time you’re drawing the line.

Step 2. Tape off edges.

Tape off the straight edges at the bottom of your arch shape with painter’s tape and a level to make sure things are nice and straight.

I like using a low-stick painter's tape, like Ace Clean Release painters’ tape, to tape off the walls and baseboards but if you have more delicate areas like a fresh painted wall, wallpaper or finished hardwood I would recommend this Frog Tape for delicate surfaces. Press the tape down with a damp cloth, this will help prevent bleeding underneath the tape edge.

Step 3. Paint

With a 2 inch synthetic angled paint brush, very carefully go along the edge of your line for the arch shape. Don’t be too intimidated with this! Things don’t have to be perfect here. You can also touch up a bit later and you can barely see small imperfections when you step back, trust me.

Next use a paint roller to fill in the middle of the arch. I like a medium 3/8” roller and start at the top of the arch and work your way to the bottom.

Once everything is painted you remove that tape. Remove it immediately, rather than waiting for things to dry. It also helps to remove it at a 45 degree angle, like I’m doing here.

Painted arches are perfect behind bigger (sometimes bulky) furniture like desks, beds and couches. It frames out the wall and really makes the furniture pop.

Published on 2/24/2022.
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