How To Organize A Garage With Paint

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Organizing your garage is made so much easier and affordable all thanks to paint. How To Organize A Garage With Paint Watch as Annie from "Leftovers With Annie" shows you how to accomplish this DIY using colors to declutter your space.


Color Blocking Organization

Color block organization is a perfect way to keep things structured. Outdoor garden tools will have a designated space, just by using a little paint. On leftovers with Annie, each week Annie receives a mystery product from Ace to create a project from. This week the mystery product is ROYAL External Paint, in some fun colors, perfect for color blocking the garage for organization.


Clear the Space

Clear out the area of your garage where you want to color block. This means taking down handing shelves, hooks, moving storage units, and anything else that may be in front of or attached to the walls. Put down a drop cloth on the floor to prevent any spills or splatter from ruining the garage floor.

Paint and Prep

Determine the major categories or groupings of items in your garage. Then, choose a color for each category. This will be the color that you paint in the area you blocked off for that category.

Block off each section of color with painters tape. Get a high quality tape so the lines are crisp and clean. Open any doors or windows to ventilate the space. It may help to run a fan in the garage as well, to reduce the amount of paint fumes you inhale. Paint within the the taped off areas, painting in a "w" motion using a roller. Remove the tape before the paint completely dries.


Add hooks and labels to the walls to make sure the space stays organized. Use shelving units or other storage systems so that each item has a place. Annie's tip is to add numbered labels to the wall, and the add a corresponding label to the tool or item, ensuring that it will be put back in the correct place every single time. For more projects and helpful tips, visit us online at Ace Hardware's Tips and Advice