Leftovers with Annie: Roller Accent Wall

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Leftovers with Annie is a weekly series where our host, Annie, gets a mystery product in a bag and challenged to use it in the home. In this week's episode Annie shows you an easy accent wall that uses very little paint. This project requires no taping, just a roller and paint will bring you this unique look to your room.


  1. First, gather any supplies you might need. Here is a list the essentials
  2. Protect your floors with a drop cloth or some other blanket/paper you don't mind getting paint on.
  3. Tape any base boards, just in case there are spills
  4. You may want to tape or mark some boundaries on the wall as a guide
  5. Roll on the paint in the area you choose
    • There is no right or wrong way to roll on this accent wall. You can roll on paint high as a statement piece or roller the paint low to make a faux head board in a bedroom. This is a convenient and quick way to freshen up any room.
  6. Let the paint dry and remove the painters tape, if you used any

For more helpful tips and advice, visit a Neighborhood Ace or visit Ace Hardware's Tips & Advice online. 
Published on 5/28/2021.

Always follow manufacturer's instructions before using any product.
These “How-To’s” are provided for informational purposes only. The information contained in Ace Hardware’s “how-to” videos and/or articles is intended to provide general guidelines for projects in and outside of your home.  Tools, products, materials, techniques, building codes, local regulations are continually changing. Ace Hardware assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained herein and disclaims any liability for the omissions, errors or the outcome of any project. It is the responsibility of the viewer to ensure compliance with all applicable laws, rules, codes and regulations for a project and the product being used. The viewer must always take proper safety precautions and exercise caution when taking on any project or using materials of said project. If you have any questions, concerns or doubts in regards to any element of what is displayed in the videos and/or articles, contact a licensed professional.