How To Make A Stamp Wall With Paint

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Wallpaper is a great way to update a room but it can be expensive and installing it can be pretty tedious. The good news is there are so many ways to fake the look of wallpaper for a fraction of the cost. See how a simple rubber stamp and paint can create a one of a kind wall.

1 – Paint a Basecoat

First thing you want to do is make sure you paint a basecoat on the wall. Make sure the wall is clear of any dust, lint and dirt by cleaning with soap and water. Wipe it down with a dry cloth and allow the wall to completely dry before moving on.  You will also want to remove all the faceplate covers on light switches and outlets.

Use low-stick painter's tape, like Ace Clean Release painters’ tape, to tape off the walls and baseboards. We’re going to pop open this paint and give it a good stir. Start by using a 2 inch synthetic trim brush and apply paint to the trim all the way around the room about 4 inches into the wall. Then take a medium 3/8″ nap roller and paint the entire wall. It’s best to roll the paint in a ‘w’. Let the wall dry at least 4 hours before applying the stamps.

2 – Choose a Pattern

You can use any stamp or make your own stamp with craft foam and/or cardboard! It can be as easy as grabbing some stamps from a kid's playroom. As far as a pattern, it’s completely up to you! You can choose a random pattern or a more symmetrical pattern and mark off the wall using painter’s tape.

To apply the paint to the stamp, I’d recommend applying the paint to the stamp using a foam brush or pouring a little into a paper plate. I wouldn’t recommend dipping the stamp in the paint can because it could be get messy and you might get too much paint on the stamp.

Remember that imperfections are okay! We’re going for a hand stamped look, so don’t fret about the uneven stamps- you can go back with a brush for some tiny touchups if needed.

For more helpful tips and advice, visit a Neighborhood Ace or visit Ace Hardware's Tips & Advice online.
Published on 4/18/2022.

Always follow manufacturer's instructions before using any product.

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