Growing Your Garden In The Shade

For some, growing your favorite foods may not be an option. You may not have a viable amount of sunlight to nurture them. Whether you’re living with only a balcony, a small garden, or just a large window, you DO have options.

Growing Your Garden In The Shade

If you do not have ampul sunlight to grow your garden, you need to compensate in other areas.

  1. Rich soil is key to growing in shady areas. Use mulch/soil such as Miracle Grow Organic Soil to feed your plants from the bottom.
  2. Feed your garden with plant food. Plant food adds proteins and nutrients to your garden.
  3. The color of your pots/floral matters. Reflective colors such as white, help brighten an area that may not receive enough sunlight.

*Remember, some plants can thrive with little sunlight, but not plant can survive with zero sunlight.*

Food that can grow in a shady spot. (4-6 hours of sunlight)

  • Beets
  • Cabbage
  • Broccoli
  • Kale
  • Carrots
  • Celery

Flowers that can grow in a shady spot. (4-6 hour of sunlight)

  • Hakonechloa
  • Foxglove
  • Astilbe
  • Pulmonaria
  • Primrose
  • Lady’s mantle


For more tips and advice, go to


Published: 4/2/2020