How To Inject A Turkey

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How To Inject A Turkey

Try this injection solution on turkey, pork or chicken.  It adds great flavor and moisture and gives you a leg up on the competition.

Print These Tips Here for Chef J's Turkey Solution
Yield: 1 Turkey, 2 Chickens or 10# of Pork
Prep time: 5 Minutes
Cook time:  5 Minutes


Measure   Ingredient                                               

¼ lb                Butter, Salted                                                                     

1.5 Cups        Stock, Chicken                                                      

Taste              Rub a Dub, 5280 Culinary Rub - 4 Tbsp     

 Cooking Directions

  • Add 1.5 Cups of chicken stock to the Basting Bowl/Pot
  • Add the butter and season to taste with Rub A Dub
  • Heat until butter just melts and remove the basting pot from the burner
  • Allow to cool slightly on the counter
  • When ready draw the solution into the injector and inject into the protein in many different locations
    • Inject slowly to allow the butter to cool and stay inside the meat
  • For lower sodium injection use – low sodium stock and unsalted butter
  • For Bayou injection use Bayou Dust instead of Rub a Dub
  • Discard leftover solution
  • Cook proteins immediately

Grills / Grill Gear Used

Published on 10/10/2022.
Always follow manufacturer's instructions before using any product.
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