How To Grow Carrots


Growing your own produce can be very simple and satisfying. However, many people do not know where to start. Let Ace’s Garden Experts show you how to grow, plant, and harvest your very own produce!

Tips for growing your own carrots:

Prepare the Soil 

When planting carrots, be sure to to till your soil finely. The soil should not have rocks, hard clumps, or bark in it. The best way for carrot roots to thrive, is by planting your seeds in fine, well drained soil.

Planting Seeds

Till up your soil and create a hole. Mix with fertilizer, while still maintaining a healthy aerated bed. DO NOT PACK SOIL. Plant seeds in a row 1-2 inches apart and a 1/2 inch deep, with each row, roughly 1- 2 feet  apart.

Prune Weeds 

After 3-4 week your carrots will begin to appear. Once they are 4 inches tall, prune the leaves sprung from the main root. This will ensue your carrot grows longer and healthier.

Harvest Your Crop

You can continually plant carrots every two weeks. To check if your carrots are ready to harvest, gently push your soil back from the carrot to assess the length. If they are over a finger lengths long, they are ready!


For more helpful tips and advice, visit Ace Hardware’s Tips & Advice
Published: 4/1/2020